Underrated: The Endless [No Spoilers]

My friends and I recently started a “Book and Movies Club” (so far, we’re only watching movies, but I’m confident we’ll move onto books… eventually). To this point, the selections have mostly been movies that we figured would generate a healthy discussion or ones we’ve heard were underrated. One of these latter movies was The… Continue reading Underrated: The Endless [No Spoilers]

Underrated: Batman: Gotham Knight [No Spoilers]

Everyone has those movies on their list that have been there for years, something they’ve been meaning to watch for years but just haven’t gotten to. Until recently, for me that movie was Batman: Gotham Knight, an animated Batman movie which came out just a few weeks before The Dark Knight. The movie is something… Continue reading Underrated: Batman: Gotham Knight [No Spoilers]